Two Very Different Tinnitus Treatments: Vitamin B12 and Crickets

1 year ago

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Imagine the ringing of an old-style, rotary-dial telephone in your head: a ringing that comes and goes, or maybe that is permanently present. That’s what some say tinnitus is like.

Tinnitus is the perception of a sound—often a ringing noise—that has no external source. In 2013, it was estimated that 10 percent of adult Americans, or 25 million people, have experienced tinnitus lasting at least five minutes.

The rate of tinnitus is undoubtedly higher in the wake of the pandemic: An estimated 14.8 percent of people infected with COVID-19 experience tinnitus. That’s to say nothing of the impact of COVID-19’s ‘experimental’ treatments.

What could be happening in the body to cause this distressing audio sensation? Is diet a factor?

Tinnitus can lead to sleeplessness, irritability, and depression. Sufferers are often frustrated to hear from doctors that little or nothing can be done. However, some have found relief from two unexpected quarters:

One is the nutritional supplement B12. Being short on this can be toxic to your blood vessels and nerves.

The other source of relief is probably in your back garden and something which, up until now, you’ve likely considered a pest.

On #VitalSigns with Brendon Fallon, we take a look at two widely divergent paths to relieving tinnitus.
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