Alec Zeck ft Eric Francis: The End of Covid Behind the Scenes Part 2 [21.06.2023]

1 year ago

In this episode, Eric Francis debrief Alec Zeck of The Way Forward about his epic production of 95 videos dedicated to understanding all facets of truth and lies about the 2020 crisis, the test and the alleged virus.

Whatever Happened to Common Sense?

Eric Francis: Dear Friend and Reader:

You may be noticing that society and many people seem to be going insane. While the world has never been an especially rational place, we are watching it go over the top day by day and year by year.

Is anyone paying attention? How many times in recent years have you wondered what happened to common sense?

Have you ever thought about what “common sense” really is? It’s one of those things we all think we understand and yet are unlikely to have looked up or evaluated. And once you have a clue what the term describes, it’s easy to see where it’s gone and why it’s so crucial that we pay attention to this problem.

A standard definition of common sense is “ordinary understanding, without which one is foolish or insane.” This implies: you don’t need an expert opinion; anyone can grasp this. Later it came to mean “good sense,” with a slightly different shade of meaning. Both imply doing what “makes sense” or is “sensible” — and that is the operative concept: sensory perception.

In this essay, I will propose what I think has happened to common sense, and how understanding Venus retrograde may provide a response. If you are concerned about your sense of disorientation, depression or despondency, read on.

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