
1 year ago

Call your House and Senate members NOW and demand the GOP shut down Washington until the political targeting of Trump ends🔥 The House, and Speaker McCarthy control the purse strings to the entire government. The targeting of President 45 Donald Trump, now the Republican front-runner for the 2024 election, desecrates the very basis of our justice system. Demand House representatives and senators pass NO BILLS, authorize NO $$$, approve ZERO Biden nominations, tell congress to say "no" to the FBI $1 billion in funding for a new headquarters building in DC. WE MUST BLOCK EVERYTHING until the Biden Regime stops their politicization of Justice. DEMAND the appointment of an independent counsel to investigate the clear and present danger via evidence of Biden family corruption. Call 202-224-3121 and tell your congressman and senators to ACT NOW; let your congressman and senators know they must act NOW. Call 202-224-3121 now!
#WeHaveACountryToSave 🇺🇸

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