What is the REALWORLD

11 months ago

Everyone always talks about what they'll accomplish in years.

Accomplishment is always some big thing years away.

“In one year, I will accomplish X”.

"In three years, I will be Y".

They always put space between themselves and the outcome.

It's all they talk about.

You keep telling yourself you'll be rich in X years.

You keep telling yourself you will be strong, smart, with a beautiful loyal woman by your side.

You don't realize that you only talk about the future to rationalize your brutal laziness of today.

Why don't you start focusing on TODAY?

What will you accomplish TODAY?

What will you get done TODAY?


Stop talking and thinking about all the cool things you'll be doing in the future.

Start talking about what you are going to do TODAY.

You won't become remarkable any other way.

Your actions today define your future.

Talk won't make your dreams real.

Only action will.

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