The Rosy Cross

11 months ago

The Rosy Cross

The fascination with the Cross - The Cross, seen throughout antiquity, and into the modern times, its meaning has become lost, convoluted, altered and even completely aberrated

The "Cross" is actually the Roman Numeral of Ten ( X ) Depicted with modern Symbols as an X - the X is litterally the "Cross"

The "Cross" is the literal meaning - to "cross" as in; To Cross Over, To Cross Into, To Cross Through... etc

Lets just imagine you take 100%, divide it into 10, and you say, everything we see is between the Very Large, and the Very Small, or everything we see is between the Macro and the Micro - So let's say we are at ( V ) 5

Okay if the Macro is Greater than us ( \ ) and the Micro is Greater than us( / ) and we are in the middle( \ / ) or ( V ) for 5

Okay so we are in the middle of the 100% of the Universe, and we divided the Universe into 10, we, what we perceive is in the middle at 5, so there is a 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.

But, what about Zero. 0123456789 = 10... is there a new set of digits? A New Universe? Can we "Cross Over" "Cross Through" "Cross Into" a new Universe?

Can Information and Energy Cross Over to our side?

What would it look like if energy and information was pouring out of a Universe into our own Universe?

Would it look like a Rosy Cross? Would it look like a Galaxy Blossoming - at the heart of the Galaxy is the Black Hole (X) and inside that Black Hole is an entire new Universe - if that Universe is growing! Then the Black Hole is actually capable of spitting Matter and Energy back out of itself and growing a Galaxy around itself, and the Galaxy Blossoms = The Rosy Cross! Literally - Cross as in X is 10 and it is growing and blossoming into a rose = Galaxy = The Rosy Cross!


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