Outside Catalina Cruz Office Calling for her to Condemn Juan Ardila and to Have Juan Ardila Resign.

1 year ago

I was outside the 2 Time Sexual Assault Juan Ardila NYS's Enabler Catalina Cruz office this afternoon to call for her to have that bitch ass Juan Ardia to Resign. I know I cursed but I don't care because Sexual Assault is to be taken real seriously. Catalina is Protecting Juan.Catalina Cruz is Allowing that Bitch ass Juan Ardila to run all over New York State like it's all good. It's not good to me. I don't fuck with that shit. Just because she's a lawyer and protects other elected officials doesn't mean she has the right to protect Juan Ardila I don't care about the So-Called "Good Stuff" Catalina Cruz did while she was in the state assembly because when she decided to stand next to that bitch ass Juan Ardila then she lost all of my respect. Her successes with the bills she passed doesn't mean shit to me at all.I hope Espinal Runs aganist Catalina Cruz in 2024. Catalina has to fucking go.I don't fuck with Sexual Assaulters and their enablers.I don't care if i cursed.What I said needed to be said.If Cruz gets a primary then I'm knocking on doors for her opponent. Resign
Juan Ardila #nyc #newyork #queens

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