The CCP treats Henry Kissinger extremely lavishly, while the Chinese people are suffering

1 year ago

7/21/2023 Henry Kissinger, who has visited Communist China over 100 times, paid another visit and was lavishly hosted by the CCP! Look at the lunch arranged for him; even current foreign heads of state may not receive such extravagant treatment. The CCP literally hosted a Chinese-themed (belated) 100th birthday banquet for Kissinger! What is the CCP trying to achieve with this? Anyway, let's not forget that while Kissinger enjoys this feast, hundreds of millions of Chinese people are facing unemployment and hunger!
#USA #CCP #Kissinger #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
7/21/2023 曾访问过中共国100多次的基辛格再次访华,受到中共极尽奢侈的招待!看看中共给基辛格设的午宴,即便是现任外国元首来访也未必有这么奢华的待遇。而中共干脆给基辛格开了一个中国风的百岁诞辰宴会!中共到底在图什么?别忘了,当基辛格在大快朵颐的时候,数以亿计的中国人在经历着失业和挨饿!
#美国 #中共 #基辛格 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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