Wealth Habits ∞ Collateralization and Infinite Banking

1 year ago

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Hey, Guys. Barry Page with Legacy Money.
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Today, we're going to continue with our series
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of habits and creating generational wealth.
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We must understand the importance of having our dollars work effectively and efficiently.
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We must seek opportunities and investments that compound our interest over those that do not.
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When considering a major capital purchase, we must seek to utilize our current assets as collateral to secure a loan.
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Then we must be able to repay that loan out of our current lifestyle. Cash flow.
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Yes. Even using this method incurs financing costs when making a major capital purchase.
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However, this collateralization process. Infinite banking allows you to buy what you need or want without having to spend down your assets.
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and your savings dollars can't continue to earn interest or profit in an account that you own and control

Research shows that the vast amount of Americans will transfer away the majority of their wealth to TAXES, INTEREST and FEES… unnecessarily!

Are you searching for a better way? If you are seeking financial security and freedom, subscribe to our channel and request a meeting.
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🎓 FINANCIAL EDUCATION - Read the book: https://legacyinsuranceagency.com/product/becoming-your-own-banker-unlock-the-infinite-banking-concept

Infinite Banking is a predictable way to create financial independence and freedom using your own personal capital. By practicing the Infinite Banking Concept™ you can grow your family’s wealth safely and predictably without traditional banks or government retirement plans.

"The whole idea is to recapture the interest that one is paying to banks and finance companies for the major items that we need during a lifetime, such as automobiles, major appliances, education, homes, investment opportunities, business equipment, etc." ~Nelson Nash, bestselling author of Becoming Your Own Banker

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