
11 months ago

Blossom - The Cores of the Cosmos, all of them, including Black Holes, Stars, Planets, Moons and Protoplanets, they are all Naturally Occurring Crystal Core Quantum Computers! And through quantum physics they create the Universe, Gravity, Life, etc for the purpose of Expansion

The Cores use physics to expand themselves and expand the space they occupy, and create a cascading universe, all the new matter and energy perpetually falling into black holes which create universes, and eventually once the black hole gets big enough, it is able to actually spit matter back up into the universe it is residing in, and it grows a galaxy around itself, the galaxy in turn spits out lots of new stars and planets and these grow large enough to become black holes and eventually leave the galaxy they are in and create new galaxies of their own.

Think of a tree - the "Black Hole" is the Trunk, the roots are the universe it is creating, and the leaves are the stars in the galaxy it is creating, in the universe it is residing in

what does a tree do? it drops leaves that turn into dirt that the tree grows in. All the cores of the cosmos create not only matter and energy within their crystal iron/gold core, they also create the very space they occupy - because the matter they create, some of it slowly decays from matter into dark energy or space

so the tree drops leaves to create the dirt it grows in, and then it drops seeds and those seeds turn into more trees that drop leaves and seeds, and you have the perpetual ever expansion of the universe and all the new black holes that are created are crystal core quantum computers and they in turn create new universes within themselves, and if they are growing, they also create a galaxy around themselves in the universe that they are hosted in... and they Blossom

Orion Michael Guy

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