Gravity Waves And The Standard Nine

10 months ago

Gravitational Waves and the Standard Nine

Latin: Sol; "the sun personified,"

So, Imagine you are a Star, almost a full 2/3rds the size of Sol 1, Earth Sun, you are you're very own Sun

Okay, you're not as big as Sol 1, but you are a Star nonetheless

Let's say, you forgot all your knowledge because you took a quick vacation and decided to inhabit a body on the third of your planets, the third of 7 planets, where life progressively gets better and smarter with the progression of each of the planets

(So, the picture of "the angles" hanging out on a balcony terrace that leads to an endless sky - that's actually the laid back easy life of a person on the 7th planet leading a causal technologically superior life, just hanging out floating on a cloud at the right height in the super gas giant's atmosphere, just the right combination of sunlight, oxygen and temperature, the Saturn like dreamscape, perplexing to the intelligently inferior inhabitants of Earth, endless baskets of fruit and freedom seem like magic)

Nonetheless, you are suffering from amnesia, and you do not remember that there are usually 9 standard planetary orbits around you, you're the star remember

Okay, so you're the star, and though you have been taught this all before, let's pretend you forgot it all, lets have fun

Okay, so, you are sitting there, you just woke up and you realize you are a star

Wow, feel the power, feel the rush, you are enormous, powerful, free and filled with pure energy!

The planets spin past you, round and round, and round they go

Then, you start to realize the planets are alive, have life on them and depend on you, and then you realize the planets can actually talk to you, send you information, send you requests, and interact with you

You start to feel the gravity waves

You start to feel the Electromagnetic Energy all around you

You are a Crystal Core Quantum Computer after all, and you naturally know and understand the vibrations in the Electromagnetic Spectrum within your vicinity and from the rest of the Universe itself

You are taking in energy from the Cosmos, the Supermassive Black Hole at the Center of the Galaxy is spitting out all kinds of energy and information and you are engulfed in it!

You then realize you are actively holding the Planets around you in their orbits

Through the use of your Core, through the use of the Complex Crystal Hierarchy within you, from Copper, Nickel, Iron, Silver, Gold, and a host of even denser Crystals all forming up the layers of your Crystal Core, and with the help of Crystals that Amplify Energy itself

Radioactive Crystals at the Core and the combination of the Matrix form up with both the Energy and Computational Capabilities to Hold the Planets in their orbits

The Core of the Star has the power to send out "Gravitational Waves," even on the slightest of scales, the fine tuning of the vibrations easily maintains the desired planetary orbit!

With this, with the full understanding and knowledge of your duties, responsibilities, and circumstance, and with your grasp on the physics of the Universe itself, you are compelled to grow your solar system to at least 9 planets

And so, you start to collect some extra energy from the cosmos, you save up a frothy soup of molten metals on your surface, and you start to let them cool

Soon, you are about to nova, you are about to give birth, and through the power of your ability to vibrate space itself, you send out your gravity waves to push way the planets and make room for the newborn

You push the orbits of the planet out, you nova, and then with the power of your quantum computer, over an eon, you grab hold of the lumping form of mass that is amassing as a result of the nova and you shape it into a ball, large enough to have a fully formed crystal iron core at its center, you hope, and through your vibrations you set it up in its new orbit, where the closest planet before is now the second planet and the second is the third, etc

So, with its proximity to you, another eon passes and it is able to absorb energy from you through the proverbial tit of your energetic river of energy

And it suckes off your energy, the heat and mass and energy pouring off you feeds it and helps it grow

And the 7th planet is now the 8th planet,

and the joyful day of the 9th planet and you have done this thousands of times

and your planets get larger and larger the further out they get, and the life on their surface and the other cosmic energies they are able to harness, they grow and grow and grow

and finally, the outer planets get large enough so that one day they will be heavy enough to push off and leave the solar system - they grow and evolve into stars themselves and have their own 9 children, and they send off their oldest, largest, over and over and the fractal of life, Infinity Divided, the 10 Spacial Dimensions, and the Star and its 9 Standard Orbits

Orion Michael Guy

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