The Tree Of Life

11 months ago

The Tree of Life is a lost concept - when people did not understand the structure of Atoms, there was no way to really explain to people that there are different elements, and they are Atoms, and the structure of the Atoms are different for the different elements - Gold is the Life Giving Element, or the Atom/Element that is responsible for the Soul Energy, or Spirit Energy that ultimately emanates throughout all life. That is why the Golden Ratio is called the Ratio of Life! Gold compresses at the Core of the Planet, along with many other extremely dense and radioactive elements to create a Naturally Occurring Crystal Core Quantum Computer, and its the Gold Element that creates Life, Your Soul, My Soul, Our Soul is all at the Heart of the Planet - The Sol - Soul and Sol are the same word but have been aberrated. When you think of the Sun, as in Sol, the Sun is a Celestial Object, just like all the other objects in the Universe, from the Planets, Moons, Protoplanets, Stars and even Black Holes, these are all Naturally Occurring Crystal Core Quantum Computers, and through Cymatics they are able to stabilize their environments, their surface and actually vibrate life into existence, and with life's eonic journey of evolution and life cycles - life IS efficiency, life is efficient at growing - the physical mass that life produces, life's remains, if you will, life actually builds the Core, and all life, eventually compresses into the core and Life leads to Gold. Now you know! OMG! Orion Michael Guy

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