How To Structure Your Day For Success:

11 months ago

Time management is structuring your day appropriately. And what do I mean by that? If we look at all the time in the day, there's a different dollar value that I would assign to a different time of the day. Not all time throughout the day is created equal. If it was six in the morning, you can't get out there.

The way I structure my day, I structure in all the things that are appointments that I can't miss. Those are priorities. And then I'd time block for those activities, sales activities, generating new business, closing appointments, admin and all the stuff that I would consider processing. So our job in sales is to look at what we call income producing activities, meaning I put in X, Y, and Z, and what I get back is sales.

So that window of 3PM to 7PM, protect that. Don't do a damn thing. Sell and get in front of people, period. If you've got paperwork, anything, it must wait. You need to guard that time, like it's the most valuable thing you have because the truth is it is the most valuable thing that you have. You need to plan your day the night before.

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