Prussian Faction Showcase

10 months ago

An army with a state that went to war with the world. Let's go!

These stubborn lumbering giants of the Prussian cavalry front line were the immovable anchor that stopped the enemy cavalry dead on their tracks. Frederick the Great disliked them for their lack of grace in battle but won engagements after engagements.

A mounted infantry force turned fully-fledged medium cavalry. The Dragoners rode behind the Kürassiere to flank and support the many cavalry on cavalry brawls that characterized the battles of the Seven Years War.

The Husaren's speed, flexibility and aggression fit like hand in glove to the doctrine of his famed commander, Hans Joachim von Zieten. They were no strangers his reckless and daring tactics in taking opportune moments, bringing victory and fame to their reputation.

These prized elites among the Prussian Infantry were chosen for their height and strength to impose a concentrated force in the bayonet charge. Their physicality made their charges inflict devastating casualties on the receiving side of their bayonets.

These common soldiers were drilled to perfection in both maneuvering and reloading. Their reloading abilities were multiple times faster than any army that faced against and mowed them down with rapid consecutive volleys of hot lead.

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