Kitten Miraculously Rescued From Storm Drain After 33 Hours Of Intense Work

8 years ago

You can tell how happy this kitten became. Here are a few quick facts about rescue animals. Every year there more than 6 million animals admitted into shelters that are looking for homes. Apparentl,y some get adopted, but there is still a large number that doesn't. Over one million of these animals will be euthanized throughout the year.

However, cats don't have nine lives. The main reason why cats got this reputation for reincarnation is their ability to jump and land. They climb high trees, run in front of cars and jump from high places, and yet they do it so well and nonetheless manage to survive.

As the story goes, faint meowing was heard by customers in a parking lot, the kitten cries were coming from a nearby storm drain, the kitten was trapped, and some lovely bystanders launched a rescue effort, he was stuck in an 8-inch pipe with minimal access. After these guys tried everything they concluded that much bigger help was needed.

The very next day a fire station crew was called on the spot to help the kitten get out of the pipe. After long hours of hard work and vast dedication the kitten was finally freed. Piper was trapped in a storm drain while rescuers worked for 33 hours to save him. A whole bunch of people banded together to rescue this little guy. This rescue operation is called Sierra Pacific Furbabies, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

What amazing people! These guys gave all their best to save this kitten. It’s incredible how these people dedicate their lives to protect animals, to provide them with beings that they deserve. We take these people as an example, people who can teach us a lesson, people who know how to make the world a better place!

We hope this video will inspire you always to consider adopting, whether they are cats and dogs. Don’t let them out there on the streets. They deserve a soft bed, a warm meal and lots and lots of love. Just check out Jack the rescue cat is a happy cat and how much she enjoys her new home!

A little over a year ago, Jack, the cat was living in the great outdoors until his forever family rescued him. Watch and enjoy as Jack takes a few steps back outdoors, but then listens to his Mom and realizes he is a happy house cat.

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