Soldier Surprises Little Sister For Christmas - Her Reaction is Priceless

8 years ago

Christmas is a time for family. We all gather to share the spirit of Christmas and share some love, but nowadays not all family members can be present. Such is the case with families who have loved one in the special forces. We keep them in our thoughts, but no matter how strongly we feel their presence, it still isn't quite the same.

One big brother decided that Christmas is just the right time to come back home from deployment, but first, he had to visit an extraordinary someone for a surprise. His baby sister was out for a cheerleading practice at school, testing some new cheer moves and was utterly unaware of the person she is about to see.

It's always an emotional moment to witness these surprise homecomings. When she notices big brother coming into the gym in his military uniform, she is in disbelief. When the sight finally hits her, she breaks formation mid-cheer and sprints towards him for a tight, sisterly hug. That is one priceless Christmas present.

Thank you to all the brave women and men who are out there, protecting and serving our country and providing us with the freedom that we enjoy today.

Christmas is the most beautiful time of the year! It spreads joy, happiness and lots of presents. Christmas is celebrated on December 25th the day when Jesus was born.

Christmas is a celebration, spending quality time with your family, decorating inside the house, the Christmas tree, stockings on the fireplace, decorating the home outside, making a snowman and drinking hot cocoa after that to get warm. Simply magic! And the best way to spend that day is by being close to your family!

Families are a unique gift that needs to we need to appreciate and treasure, even when they or we are going through hard times. We don’t choose our family. They are a God’s gift to you, as you are to them.

And celebrating Christmas with our loved ones and our family, creating memories that will last forever and the essential thing in life is love and family. Because, at the end of the day your family will be the ones who will stand behind you, support you and will give you strength.

It's tough to be separated from the ones you love, and soldiers know that the best. It can also be hard on those we care about who don't understand why they have to go.

When soldiers are deployed, their absence is felt by family and friends, and reunions like this mean the world both to the soldier who was away from their family and the family too.

Soldiers are the pride of every nation. Soldiers defend the dignity and the honor of their motherhood with his life and blood. He has to rise above his self to protect his country. What an incredible Christmas story that will be remembered and cherished!

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