Ep 64 N8 21st Jul 23 - On the Treason Trail

11 months ago

The level of conflicts of interest that MPs are involved in needs to become widely known. Tonight we talk about Michael Woods and Andrew Little - They are up to their necks in WEF connections and agendas.

Its all about politicing and money grubbing and nothing about serving everyday people in their electorates and wider New Zealanders

Trade Unions in this country are also neck deep in WEF globalist agenda, financially supporting it. If you belong to the likes of ETU or PSA its a given you are contributing to the agenda of the WEF which includes robbing us of all that we have and killing us off to achieve their depopulation agenda.
Do you really want to support that?

Join N8 - We guarantee through our rules that govern our Executive, we will not be involved in any political or globalist associations whatsoever


01:50 Liz: Revisit of treason documents zoom – Watch Counterspin media to see the signing of the documents at the parliamentary locals, see content links

04:00 Liz: Conflicts of interest – Party lists, List MP – Analysing the political history of Andrew Little and Michael Wood – Lists used to grant favours, can’t get elected on their own merits – Party whip – Union fee’s – Pike River mine – Davos WEF Trade unionists

15:10 Liz: Regulatory capture is when the regulators are dominated by people in the industry who make the rules to suit the industry and then regulate the rules – HWSA and Worksafe – Andrew Little & Michael Wood – Undeclared shareholding – New technologies – MBIE – Fingers in the pie ka-Ching $$$ - Bloomfield then becomes central – Wood’s wife & Auckland City Council – Company rules and 11% share means no hostile takeover – Sharebrokers Ka-Ching – Infrastructural being gauged – Belongs to the ratepayers – Like Marsden Point – YOU WILL OWN NOTING AND BE HAPPY plan under way – Look for CCP ownership

26:36 Liz: Update on the Ants and Worksafe situation – From jab info collection fine to vehicle rego infringement...from a repealed Act – A similar matter happened to a restaurateur, but Worksafe withdrew the fines...however fines were still stand under 2020 Act – Extortion – Acting in bad faith - Section 34 COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020 - Protection of persons acting under authority of this Act – Section 129 (1) of the Health Act 1956 - Protection of persons acting under authority of Act – § 92 I (5) Health Act 1956, in no case was a person to be vaccinated without their informed consent – Sue the gov!!!

33:54 Liz: Have to use the District court for
section 129 HA 1956 – Use the legal weapons – Liz: Proverbs 21:22 One who is wise can go up against the city of the mighty and pull down the stronghold in which they trust – It only takes one!

36:47 Open chat: Ants comes onto the Zoom – He will have his day in court – Section 168 (4) Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Powers of entry and inspection – Prosecution case not a defence case – Seven other businesses that got fined

46:05 Liz: Liz to make statements to the media on behalf of Ants – Authorities are publicly funded – N8 statement to The Gisborne Herald regarding a members case with ERA – Treason

49:39 Liz: Klaus Schwab shares who are the 'stakeholders' for the WEF – Trade unionists at the meetings – Discusses the lyrics of Bob Dylan’s “Positively 4th Street”

55:53 Open chat: Whole family needs to have no conflicts of interest

01:01:34 Liz: Hippocratic Oath – "First do no harm" – Michael Wood and his “river of filth” rant – The workplaces were used to push the agenda WEF – UBI incoming – Open chat – Trade unions at COP26

01:13:51 Liz: What in the 21 (1) are you talking about? – “You will OWN NOTHING, and you will be HAPPY” | Douglas Kruger – Property being inextricably linked to freedom – George Washington, Preamble to the Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

01:22:02 Fiona & Liz: Open chat – Boycott businesses that don’t support the farmers – Wool and benefits – Atrazine

01:43:31 Liz & Fi: Fluoride update – Judicial reviews – No group rights – Need to be taken as single person
Content links:

Has Treason Been Committed? - Alfred Mitchell's Testimony

Counterspin Ep. 11 - A NATION BETRAYED

Counterspin Ep. 11 - A NATION BETRAYED PART 2 – See 20:30 onwards video of treason document signings

List MP

Party Whip

Section 34 COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020 - Protection of persons acting under authority of this Act

Section 129 of the Health Act 1956 - Protection of persons acting under authority of Act
(1) A person who, in pursuance or intended pursuance of any of the provisions of this Act, does any act, or fails or refuses to do any act, shall not be under any civil or criminal liability in respect thereof, whether on the ground of want of jurisdiction, or mistake of law or fact, or on any other ground, unless he has acted, or failed or refused to act, in bad faith or without reasonable care.

§ 92 I (5) Health Act 1956 - Medical officer of health may give directions to individual posing public health risk
(5) In no case may a direction require an individual to submit to compulsory treatment.

Section 168 (4) Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Powers of entry and inspection
(4) Despite subsection (1)(e), if all or any part of the information relates to a person’s health status and identifies the person, an inspector must not, without that person’s consent,—
(a) require the production of information; or
(b) examine the information; or
(c) make a copy of, or take an extract from, the information.

The Gisborne Herald - In a statement on behalf of Hilary Seymour, the Number 8 Workers Union - Vaccination at heart of dispute - Jul 25, 2023
‘Lost her job through no fault of her own’

Klaus Schwab shares who are the 'stakeholders' for the WEF

Bob Dylan - Positively 4th Street (Official Audio)

Hippocratic Oath

Trade unions at COP26: what we did, what we achieved, and what we need to focus on now

“You will OWN NOTHING, and you will be HAPPY” | Douglas Kruger

America's Founding Documents - Declaration of Independence: A Transcription


From the chat:

Julie Farley


Sunday May 23, 2021, Leaked Document Reveals New Zealand Under Māori Dictatorship?

The publishing of Covid-19 related judgements by The Courts. Erika Whittome made this Official Information request to Ministry of Justice

20230201(W) Pike River & Aberfan Govt actions before & after - Parallels to handling of Injection - Regulatory Capture

Gloriavale: Judge declares ex-residents were employees, not volunteers

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