Sandy Hook - 'Sources . .very close to this admiistration say it was a FALSE FLAG' - Part 2 -2014

9 months ago

Published on Apr 24, 2014

"Sofia Smallstorm interviews school administrator Paul Preston about the Sandy Hook shooting. Paul Preston spent 41 years in the California school system and now hosts his own radio show ( Hour 1 of this interview focuses on school drills and Sandy Hook as a staged exercise. Hour 2 (available at gets into the "Potemkin village" aspect of Newtown as a model for implementation of Agenda 21 societal control. Says Preston: "I have a lot of [insider] sources ... and every one of my sources said it was a false flag. They had factual knowledge of such."

Paul Preston spent 41 years in the California public school system, working his way up the ladder from custodian to district superintendent. He was a teacher, coach, vice-principal and principal before retiring in 2012 as superintendent of two charter schools. He is highly trained in school safety issues, having organized drills of many kinds, including active-shooter drills. His website is, which he created to alert listeners to the real nature of the United Nations Agenda 21 programs for global sustainability.

"For those of us who have been in the field of education and have been a part of the lives of the children we have touched, it's an honor hard to describe. When children are threatened or harmed and you, as a professional, are responsible for their safety, the world changes. You become a different person. For the rest of your life, a new sense is there that screams from an inner instinct of protection. When I saw the events of Sandy Hook unfold, that instinct was instantly triggered, yet the story that was being portrayed did not add up. I must pause at this point to let you know where I come from on school issues. I served 41 years in public schools in California working from custodian to superintendent. I was a teacher, coach, vice principal , principal and superintendent. As an administrator, I have seen the best and worst of humanity. I have been involved in a range of school safety issues from shootings, drugs and gangs to child sex-trafficking, and much more. I have advised and been an expert witness in court on gangs and drugs. I have organized and conducted numerous school drills (e.g., active-shooter, earthquakes) in Northern and Southern California. I was even questioned by detectives investigating the Columbine shooting on the subject of the Trench Coat Mafia and Neo-Nazi hate groups. So when I watched the news footage of what occurred on December 14, 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut, using my own keen eye developed from 41 years of witnessing actual tragedies and staged exercises in schools, I knew immediately that Sandy Hook was not a real event." -- Paul Preston"

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