The immediate priority of the CCP is to utilize AI technology to reinforce its totalitarian regime

1 year ago

7/18/2023 【Hearing on the Use of AI in the Military and Combat】Alexandr Wang, founder and CEO of Scale AI: There is no overlap of interests between the U.S. and China in the field of artificial intelligence. The immediate priority of the CCP is to utilize AI technology to reinforce its totalitarian regime.
#CCP #USA #Decouple #AI
7/18/2023 【美国国会关于在军事和作战中使用AI的听证会】Scale AI 创始人兼CEO亚历山大·王:美中在人工智能领域没有利益重叠。中共的头等大事就是将人工智能技术的实施用于加强其极权统治。
#中共 #美国 #脱钩 #人工智能

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