Sandy Hook - 'Sources . .very close to this admiistration say it was a FALSE FLAG' - Part 1 -2014

11 months ago

Published on Jun 21, 2014

"OF COURSE most that will watch this video already know that Sandy Hook was a False Flag / Staged Terror / a Drill, etc . . some say a sacrifice, but I think the evidence points to a high % of just pure actors . . but to each their own . .
btw, I subbed at Pure Momentum Network . . I am interested in what Sofia Smallstorm has to say, and there looks to be other interesting hosts

full 1st Hour of the interview -
Sofia Smallstorm Paul Preston 1st
n this interview, Sofia Smallstorm interviews former school administrator Paul Preston about the Sandy Hook school shooting. Paul spent 41 years in the California public school system, going all the way from custodian to district superintendent. He was a teacher, coach, vice-principal and principal before retiring in 2012 as superintendent of two charter schools. He is highly trained in school safety issues, having organized drills of many kinds, including active-shooter drills. His website is, which he created to alert listeners to the real nature of the United Nations Agenda 21 programs for global sustainability. Hour 1 covers the aspects of the shootings that led Paul to conclude that Sandy Hook was none other than a staged drill- and sloppy, at that.

Transcript of this part of the interview can be found here


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RAW NEW Sandy Hook Footage"

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