syfy88man Game Channel - Utherverse - Basic Member Party Info

1 year ago

syfy88man Game Channel - Utherverse - Basic Member Party Info

Basics Welcome Club
Right off the Welcome Center!

Basics Members this is for you!

Please join us, enter thru the Welcome Center

Come learn more about the game and all the features. Ask your questions, make some friends!

DJ_money will be playing the tunes and taking your requests

Games and rays!

*One lucky BASIC member will win a free 30 day VIP and a prize package from our Big Prize Sponsors Hera_MES & WildRose !*

Utherverse / Red Light Center

Join me in the Utherverse Classic. Create your dream partner. Choose their looks and outfits, Your imagination is the limit.

Utherverse / Red Light Center Discord

We also have a Discord Channel to hang with us and talk about Utherverse World.

Here is their link

Jimmy Jr is creating A Video Game Guide

Hi, I am syfy88man otherwise known as Jimmy Jr I am an MMO gamer and enjoy doing game streaming. I am part of the Star Trek Online Fleet called Specialized Attack Squadron for the Federation and on the Klingon side, I am with the Elite Honor Guard. l. I will mainly be doing the Star Trek Online game stream. I do daily streams of Star Trek Online and have a Discord channel that you can join me on to chat with me as I stream and if you feel brave to watch my bad game stream, you can join me. I have some of my good fleet mates from my fleet that will join in from time to time to do things in the Star Trek Online game. You can find out more info about our fleet and join us by visiting here

Jimmy Dunn | Facebook

SyFy88Man (@syfy88man) / Twitter

Please help me out by donating $1.00 to my Patreon Page. This helps me with day-to-day things that I do to make these game streams plus also helps in getting computer hardware to make these game streams for your followers and for the ones that did join my Patron page Thank you so much for your support, Support the stream:

syfy88man | creating Video Game Guide | Patreon

For quick donations to me and what I am doing here is my

Donate (

If you don't want to go to my Patreon page to help but rather help me by watching my game stream and doing donations on the stream then here is a link for you to donate to me You contact me through My steam profile

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