30 mm automatic grenade launcher hit something in the woods

1 year ago

On Telegram, the following statement accompanied the video:
"Destruction of enemy positions near the village of Shcherbaki of the Zaporozhye Front. Soldiers of the 1st heroic motorized rifle battalion of the 429th Vladikavkaz regiment of the 58th army are working (battalion of Lieutenant Colonel Gashiyatullin, the Hero-battalion commander who fell in battles for these lines. In memory of the fallen, in the name of the living, the battalion strikes enemy).

In the video of the enemy DRG, or rather, its remnants, which, after the defeat, were able to return back to their main positions, leave the forest belt. At this moment, the heroic Vladikavkaz infantry, which had been leading them from the air all this time, opened fire with a 30-mm automatic grenade launcher at their stronghold. Landmarks shot. There are 500 meters between our positions for many months in this sector. There is a series of breaks and one single. The enemy's ammunition detonates. The easel grenade launcher of Vladikavkaz continues to fire, an adjustment is underway from a drone.

The enemy will be defeated, Victory will be ours!"

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Music by White Bat Audio:

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