The Striper Blues Journal - Video Log 193 - Prospecting!

1 year ago

Sports Fans!

One of the reasons I like to fish alone, apart from being completely anti-social, is because I LOVE prospecting. Such excursions take me to water I have never seen and water that has no documentation on my charts.

Such trips are best conducted solo, so I do not have to explain why I would so stupidly have chosen this or that unproductive flat or creek. I hate explaining myself......

You need 2 things for such adventures: 1) Patience, which has only taken me most of my 59 years to acquire and 2) A boat that can get you places that most conventional craft cannot.

My @xplorboatworks4760 X13 is just such a boat. It gets me across big ugly water and into creeks and flats where the Redfish's shoulders are getting sunburn.

We'll see you on the water soon, love you all and I mean it!

Captain T out for now!


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