Wandering Stars (Part 2) with Keith Gibson

1 year ago

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Our guest this week, also was last week, and I encourage everybody to—one of the things that’s nice about recording these and putting it on our website, the internet, is that, you know, you can go forward, backward, and so on, but find the programs that—particularly our first program in this series, which deals with Keith Gibson and his book Wandering Stars: Contending for the Faith with the New Apostles and Prophets, and if you listened to last week’s program, you know, I can’t say enough about Keith’s book. The research that he’s done, how important this is for the body of Christ—and we’re going to get into this—how it’s affecting these things like Latter Rain, Joel’s Army, Kansas City Prophets, International House of Prayer, how they are affecting our young people, this upcoming generation, which, sadly, you know, I won’t say all, but most of them are biblically illiterate, which means they have no basis for discerning what they’re being drawn into, and certainly, well, basically, they’re up for grabs.

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