Dr. Vinay Prasad on active versus passive placebos in vaccine trials and (rare) safety signals

1 year ago

Passive placebos have no clinical effect. Examples are sugar pills or salt water injections. Active placebos do have a clinical effect, including safety risks. Examples are different vaccines or the same vaccine minus one ingredient (e.g. without the 'virus' but with the toxic aluminum).

Active placebos can mask negative side-effects. The more toxic the active placebo, the less toxic the investigated drug SEEMS, because only DIFFERENCES between the groups are measured. If the deadly cyanide is used as an active placebo, even the most toxic drug would SEEM safe.

Almost no vaccine has ever been tested against a control, let alone an inactive placebo, so neither clinical safety nor clinical efficacy can be measured.

NB: Most vaccines have never been tested for clinical efficacy, i.e. protection against disease. Most have only been tested on surrogate markers, e.g. the production of antibodies. The problem with these surrogate markers is that they're clinically meaningless. People with high antibody titers (i.e. concentration of antibodies in the blood) can still get sick, while people with no antibodies may not get sick. If I remember correctly, dr. Sam Bailey said recently that the ONLY valid conclusion you can draw from the presence of antibodies, is that there is tissue inflammation.

Besides the COVID 'vaccines', the Gardasil-9 (HPV) vaccine trial is the only one with a placebo control group. However, 92% of control participants received an ACTIVE placebo, thereby masking safety signals.

Even inert placebo controlled trials might not detect rare side-effects such as autism, because the trials don't have enough participants. Possible solutions for the detection of rare signals are much larger clinical trials (which would become very expensive) or high quality observational trials.

NB: Note that the observational data is already present. In the late 1990's, the CDC hired Belgian epidemiologist Thomas Verstraeten to determine whether vaccines caused autism. Verstraeten analyzed the data and concluded that just one shot of the hepatitis B vaccine increased the risk of getting autism seven-fold! A short while later, powerful people all gathered in what has now become known as the Simpsonwood Meeting (or Simpsonwood Scandal). On the first day of the meeting, the participants analyzed the conclusion and agreed that there was a strong safety signal. On the second day, they discussed measures on how to cover up this inconvenient truth.

The distrust of health agencies is well deserved. To regain trust, the agencies need to start consistently doing a fantastic job for public health, NOTfor the interests of themselves and their sponsors.

P.S. Dr. Prasad says "our system is not terrific at detecting rare safety signals". First of all, I would that the system is horrible at detecting all safety signals, both common and rare safety signals. Second of all, I would say that this is by design. The system is part of a corrupt cult aimed at maximizing vaccine uptake. Public health is low/no priority. The whole aim is not to make a safe vaccine, but to not find safety signals, which is much easier and cheaper. The absence of a safety signal will then be abused to say that 'thus' the vaccine is safe, which is NOT the same.

P.S. Dr. Prasad says he is skeptical that ingredients such as aluminum can cause long-term negative side-effects. What he seems to underestimate is that (1) even a single of these 'low doses' already exceeds the maximum safe dose for ingestion, (2) these doses are injected directly into the blood stream, (3) the doses are often injected into a tiny body, so the dose per unit of bodyweight is enormous, (4) often many of these doses are combined in one sitting when multiple (combination) vaccines may be given.



The table with the different vaccines and whether they have placebo control groups, can be found in this article:


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