911 is a Psyop

1 year ago

The so called government has been using fear
to control us for decades they used the fake media and project blue beam (CGI)
to trick us into compliance and to get us into useless wars for oil and money and human trafficking, and sadly there's still people I know that still believe it that 911 was caused by Islamic extremism, hopefully this film should help make people realize that it was a hoax planned by the very people that they put into power, my follow Rock stars life is too short be fearful, life is a gift that we should enjoy it together and not divided that's what the dark ones want, you are better then that its time to stop living in fear and take back control, so please Rock stars stay strong discern for yourselves if something doesn't seem right then look it up, encourage those to do the same, take care of yourselves and each other.

for you Aussie Rock stars out there Riccardo Bosi has a Message 18 July 2023:
Ladies and gentlemen of Australia, the future; it is now in our hands.

We have a choice to remain slaves to an evil beyond description; to consign our children and grandchildren to lives of rape, torture and murder for the Cabal’s pleasure and profit.

Or we participate in the liberation of our country and establish for the first time in our history a truly sovereign nation governed by representatives who answer to every man and woman and child of Australia.

Heres the link to his video please watch and leave a like, it helps the A1 channel

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