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The Race: Word 7/15/23

1 year ago

Do not look to the towering waves,
To the earth shaking making new graves.

Do not look look to the lying dragon,
Calling for all to climb into his wagon.

He rides to his fall he has no remorse,
Any chariot he rides has no horse.

Only the King commands the horses to roam,
Only through His name will He take us home.

Do not yield to anger and despair,
The hook of the enemy lies in wait there.

Turn instead into His arms of grace,
Look only to His love to win this race.

Holy Spirit 7/15/23

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My life did a 180 when Jesus held out His hand to me and saved me, again.

Art of Glory, is a ministry of surrender to the King of Glory, the Son of God, Jesus (Yeshua).

Who is He? Jesus came to earth through the Holy Spirit, to be born in the flesh, died on the cross and rose again in 3 days. He did it to break every curse of this world and redeem me, you and the whole world from sin's fate of eternal destruction.

He is not separated from life, He IS life - the narrow path - the only WAY, TRUTH and LIFE - the only way for us to inherit the Kingdom of heaven.

There is no more time, He is coming quickly!

If you don't know Jesus, ask Him into your life and to show you His way. He sees you, died for you and loves you so much! He is listening, He's coming VERY, VERY, VERY SOON!!! and He's waiting for you to speak out that He is the Son of God and to repent and turn everything in your life over to Him. He will not fail you!

Pexels video stock
Running horses: Video by Mikhail Nilov: 7460273
Dark waves Video by Rostislav Uzunov: 7513671
Big ocean wave Video by ROMAN ODINTSOV: 6815626