Article Video - Why I Haven't "Closed" the Case Against Me By Anna Von Reitz

11 months ago

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Article Video - Why I Haven't "Closed" the Case Against Me - Wednesday, July 19, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

It's because as I have always told you, I am not a commercial lawyer, nor anyone fundamentally interested in commerce. I know the system well enough to protect myself and I have done so. I have taught many other people how to do that as well.

But I am not a fan of Blood Money, as my book, of the same name, "Blood Money" makes clear, especially not blood money for me and held to my account.

How should I rail against enslavement and idolatry and falsehood, and then behind the scenes, use it to benefit myself? How am I to ride that fence?

I don't judge those others who are making use of "the System" to get their own back out of it, but that's not a road I can stomach for myself -- not when I know what the "money" really represents.

All those who are criticizing me for not closing the case, and who are all gung-ho about commerce and commercial law and commercial processes as the answer to their problems --- will soon have satisfaction. I have appointed an Agent to act on that specific case and stop all their tongue-wagging. My Agent in this matter will benefit, and he deserves to benefit.

It was his blood along with many others that was used to create the Blood Money System. More than I, by far, he was betrayed. While I stayed home and read law and history, and prepared for my "battle" to come, his was a much more dramatic role. He placed his life on the line in battles of a different kind.

So it's right and proper that he gets what he can get out of this system and good that he will pack the profit away in ways that will survive whatever chaos comes. I have no doubt that he will save many decent people as an outcome of his work and if I don't dirty my hands with blood money any more than I have to, and instead ask you to "launder it" through your own conscience instead, to make free will donations to our cause, it's because at a very basic level, blood money repulses me.

I am too aware of the suffering that created the wealth to take any joy in it. I literally wrinkle my nose, and to me, it is a wry amusement that so many people consider "wealth" of this kind the goal.

It's not my goal.

So to all the people at Treasury and IRS, look for T.L. to come in my name and collect the purse, and it's no business of yours, either way. And to all my critics for not pursuing commerce, neither is it yours.

By: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America

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