Died Suddenly in New Zealand, Following the Pfizer Shot (list in the description box)

10 months ago

A few, out of over 700 deaths that Dr. Matt Shelton of nzdsos.com says need to be properly investigated:

Male, 13.
Rory Nairn, 26.
Female, 32 (got jabbed under duress, to keep her job).
Male, 21.
Female, 16.
Female, 23.
Female, 12.
Male, 12.
Male, 14.
Male, 37.
Male, 21.
Louis Amos, 19.
Male, 23.
Female, 57.
Tongan couple, both died within 12 hours of getting jabbed (leaving behind 5 children).
Male, 29.
Divya Manoj (Divya Simon), 31.
Male, 33.
Female, 39.
Male, 42.
Male, 23.
Male, 24.
Male, 23.
Female, 42 (leaves behind 2 children).
Male, 46.

This video is an edit of a 1 hr 15 min interview where Dr. Matt Shelton goes into more detail about these deaths. Listen to the full interview here:

Dr Matt Shelton: Examining New Zealand’s ’Died Suddenly’ Cases – 19 Jul 2023

Deaths Following C-19 Vaccination

Silent No More, film about Vaz injured Kiwis:

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