July 20th, 2003: Rookie Golfer wins big

10 months ago

Other Fun Fact: Ben Curtis had never played links golf, so he hired a local caddie named Andy Sutton a week before the tournament. Sutton ended up being his caddie for the next 10 years.

They walked Royal St. George’s on the Sunday before the event. At the 18th tee, they spotted a giant Rolex clock that read 5:05 p.m. Sutton then looked at Curtis and said, “If we’re here at this time next week, we’re going to have a good week.”

After Curtis’ win, he saw a picture in Golf World magazine of him hitting a shot on 18 with the clock behind him. It was 5:05 p.m.

“It was almost one week later to the time,” he said. “There was a couple minutes off, but it was really freakish.”’
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