59 Luke 16:1-13 (Parable of the dishonest manager)

11 months ago

Spiritual Stewardship:
Use your wealth to invest in people and thus invest in your future!

I. Review/Background
II. Narrative
1. The setting (16:1)
2. The shrewd manager’s plight (16:2-3)
3. The shrewd manager’s solution (16:4-7)
Deuteronomy 23:19
4 . The master’s response (16:8a)
5. Jesus’ interpretation (16:8-9)
6. Biblical stewardship (16:10-13)
III. How can we be spiritual stewards and invest in eternity?
1. Stewardship 101 (16:13)
a. Our lives—and our wealth—belong to Him
1 Corinthians 6:19 / Galatians 2:20 / Luke 6:46
b. We can’t serve God and money (we must choose)
2. Our character is at the center of stewardship (16:10-12)
3. We are to invest our money in people and ministry (16:9)
4. Our investments are eternal (16:9)
Matthew 6:19-21

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