Article Video - What Richard Discovered --- What Kind of Common Law? By Anna Von Reitz

10 months ago

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Article Video - What Richard Discovered --- What Kind of Common Law? - Monday, July 17, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

I wish to comment briefly on the use and misuse of the words "Common Law".

I am told that by July 27th, the Military will invoke a National Emergency, and President Trump --- who is still President for their purposes, will use Continuance of Government (COG) provisions to arrest various criminals and return the police and judiciary officers to operating under Common Law.

It is necessary to ask -- what kind of common law?

Military Common Law is not, overall, a good thing,

Many Americans hearing this rumor are encouraged and joyful, thinking that American Common Law is about to be restored, believing also that their American Federal Republic is going to be repopulated by people loyal to America.

Don't just "believe". Require proof.

We've been fooled too many times by the charlatans and actors operating out of the District of Columbia

This current situation is just as likely to be an illegal imposition of Military Common Law, following or in tandem with an illegal occupation of our American Federal Republic by British Territorial Operatives disguised as Americans.

Tories don't come with a label neatly typed across their foreheads. They can appear to be just as American as you or I. Like Ray Epps. They don't speak with English accents, but they are loyal to the British Empire and its government. They come in many different kinds and colors. All are destructive to our Government and our way of life.

When you hear someone ranting about "our democracy" you know that they are either ignorant as Pat's Pig, or they are blatantly promoting a form of foreign British Territorial Government best exemplified by the Raj in India.

When you inquire more deeply, you will find that what Americans mistake as their government and their Presidents and Governors are anything but.

The men and organizations that appear to be filling these functions and offices are in fact acting as foreign usurpers and Pretenders, though most of them have been born in this country and have at least pretended allegiance to it-----and virtually none of them have ever provided their required Oath of Office, so they haven't actually entered into any Public Office.

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