Article Video - International Alert -- Illegal and Unlawful Conscriptions By Anna Von Reitz

11 months ago

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Article Video - International Alert -- Illegal and Unlawful Conscriptions - Sunday, July 16, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

July 16th 2023
Press-ganging and involuntary conscription have been illegal and unlawful for over two hundred years, just as slavery and peonage have both been abolished worldwide since 1926.

Yet all these evils continue unabated in the modern world.

Joseph R. Biden, the President of a foreign Municipal Corporation residing in the District of Columbia, is issuing Executive Orders that clear the way to illegally conscript Americans under the same False Legal Presumptions used during World War II, Korea, and Vietnam conflicts.

According to the secret accords recently uncovered between the US CORP and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) it is apparent that these renegade corporations are colluding against the national interests of both the Ukraine and Russia. These commercial organizations have been promoting an illegal proxy war in Ukraine, and are now preparing to openly engage because their proxy war has failed.

It is also apparent that these activities by the CCP are an attempt to evade China's obligations under the Sino-Russian mutual defense pact. The most likely results will be continued war in the Ukraine and a civil war in China with or without Russian intervention --- and great international distress worldwide.

The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States, objects to this unlawful activity on the part of these municipal and commercial corporations and calls upon the Principals responsible to take appropriate action in their respective jurisdictions to defund and otherwise forestall these actions.

We now know that our military was unlawfully converted into a foreign mercenary force back in the 1860's, and so, the criminality of the so-called "Selective Service" is made apparent.

Can GMC or Raytheon or Berkshire-Hathaway or Exxon roll up to anyone's door and demand that they enlist as a mercenary?

No, they cannot.

When the US, INC. or the USA, Inc. comes knocking, they, too, are merely corporations. The only difference is that they have been operating under color of law and abusing the appearance of governmental authority for a long time.

The Perpetrators pretend that they are addressing their own citizenry---that is, Municipal citizens of the United States mischaracterized as THINGS, corporate franchises with names written in Dog Latin, hence, "Dog Tags".

This is why a soldier's name is written in all capital letters, with their last name first, and first name last. They have been dehumanized and reduced to the level of objects.

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