Article Video - Announcing Joint US CORP/ CCP Illegal War Operation By Anna Von Reitz

11 months ago

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Article Video - Announcing Joint US CORP/ CCP Illegal War Operation - Saturday, July 15, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Circa 1965 the push began to relocate The Beast, otherwise known as the Anglo-American Axis (yes, as in Nazi Axis) to China and to use China as the new Host for the Parasite. Kim Goguen put the date at 1975, but that was actually the end of the first ten year phase of it.

I also told you how the British Territorial Government came in here and assumed a "custodial interest" in the Western States formed during and after the so-called American Civil War.

These States could not be formally enrolled as States of the Union, because the actual States were not in Session. As a result, these States-in-Waiting were run as British Territorial "States" until the first of October 2020, when they were all enrolled.

However, in the meanwhile, the Queen cut a deal with China in 2015 agreeing to sell them all sorts of property that she "took title to" in The United States for a new "agricultural and mining" colony for the Chinese --- including all of the Western United States and Canada.

Remember when I objected to the Chinese plan to come in here and start gold mining? The Queen had also sold her Tribute Share -- ten percent of all gold mined in America -- to China. But it's not her gold until it's mined.

We never gave them, the Brits, permission to come here and mine it for themselves. I told the Queen that she might own that ten percent in the ground, but she didn't have any right to move a cubic centimeter of our land and soil to get it. So the Chinese backed off.

The Chinese feel that they must expand to new land masses and take over more arable land in order to care for their population.

The murder of over nine million innocent people in this country thus far is the result of this Sino-British agreement, with the Anglo-American Axis being represented by the US CORP, but actually being manipulated by its parent corporation, the UN CORP.

On a completely different tack, seeking to nail down the reason for the startling decrease in population projections issued by Deagal in 2017, yielded this research--- I am reposting it here in the Public Interest of the entire world:


The Secret Speech of General Chi Haotian

In 2005, THE EPOCH TIMES acquired a secret speech given by Defense Minister Chi Haotian to high-level Communist Party Cadres sometime before his retirement in 2003. Details given in Chi’s speech coincide with previously unpublished defector testimony on Sino-Russian military plans.

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