Sweet Pit Bull Gives Kisses After Waking Up

8 years ago

Everyone loves a good nap, they get you well rested and help you take on the day, and dogs are no different. This girl's repeated attempts to wake up Tank from his slumber weren't in vain. When he finally opens his eyes he immediately starts to shower her with love.

If you have a pet, you most likely understand what it’s like to wake up with a ball of fur right next to your face. Even if you’ve made a rule that there are no pets allowed on the bed, I’m sure that you give in at least every now and then.

Imagine waking up to this big guy giving you kisses every day. He is just as loving and cuddly as any other dog. This video is a living proof that waking up next to a pit bull isn't that scary after all.

Tank is sound asleep and his owner tries to wake him up by petting his head and calling his name.

Have you ever been slowly woken out of a deep dream state, and then felt totally confused at the same time? Tank's first reaction as he wakes up from this deep sleep is to stare, dazed and confused for a quick second, after which he soon realized that he woke up next to his loving owner, and he started giving her morning kisses. What a precious moment.

We know of the ridiculous reputation Pit Bulls have. The public likes to portray them as mean and aggressive dogs, but deep down they are as mellow as kittens! Tank here is the perfect example of how loving and caring Pit Bulls can be. This sweet pooch loving snuggling up to his owners in their bed and it is the cutest thing we have seen all day. His owner Kayla does her best to portray him just the way he is - a sweet, gentle pup that loves kisses and snuggles. Waking up next to a Pit Bull has never looked more tender! That dog just won’t wake up and we can’t blame him!

That dog is some gentle, he even like to snuggle up to his owner’s little daughter and lets her rub his nose while he doses off! Seeing them both in their daddy’s lap, her watching her favorite show and him snoozing away seems to be the perfect definition of a happy family.

Some animals like to keep their space and are happy sleeping at the foot of the bed, or on the pillow in the empty space next to you. But, if you’re used to sharing your bed with your dog, be prepared for things to get a little bit cozier. And by a little bit, we mean a lot! Just look at that face! How can you say no to that face? Now we want a cuddly little Pit Bull.

Is there more adorable way of wake up to your dog's kisses?

Do you have an interesting or funny way of waking up your family pet?

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