Boy Tries To Swing Over Foam Pit But Wipes Out and Falls Face First

6 years ago

Foam pits are so great! They are fantastic fun attractions that also offer physical activity, and most kids that I know are totally crazy about them. But, not all of them. Some feel a bit uncomfortable to try it out. So, every time I see a brave kid gives it a go for the first time, I always give that kid a round of applause, and a kid in this video absolutely deserves it! But there’s a funny twist too, so you better check it out! This cute little boy is having fun on an indoor playground that has a big foam pit. His dad helps him climb the swinging rope and pushes him over the pit. But the boy lets go off the rope sooner then he’s supposed to, falls on the mat and rolls down into the foam pit face first! OMG, you have to see this! It’s so cute and funny that you really don’t want to miss it! LOL!

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