"What Does Alaskan Unions, Janus Rule & The Supreme Court All Have In Common?” Wasilla

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(Live-Stream will start at 6:00pm)
Have you ever wondered what it's like to take case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court?

Mark Janus not only did so, but the ruling in his case has changed lives for over one million Americans.

Come meet Mark Janus in Wasilla
Thursday, July 20 at 6:00 PM
Register at:

Are you a public employee?

Come hear about your rights from experts!
If you work for the state, city, borough or school district, this event is for you.

30% of Alaska public employees have opted out of union dues, maintaining their rights and saving hundreds of dollars each year.

Expert Presenters:

Mark Janus
He Took This All The Way To The Supreme Court & WON!

Vinnie Vernuccio
Institute for the American Worker

Jarrett Skorup
VP Marketing & Communications
Mackinac Center for Public Policy

What is Janus Rule & why the Supreme Court Decision of 5-4 is being ignored & fought by Alaska’s Unions, Alaska’s Government & “All” that get paid from our Taxes/PFD’s, don’t want you to know.

“No public-sector employees who have refused membership in trade unions may be compelled to pay union dues to said unions because of the benefits that they may receive from their collective bargaining. When applied to public-sector workers, "fair share" agreements violate the First Amendment protections of both free association and free speech.”

In Other News:

I’m sure by now you have all heard I’m was being sued by those Puppet Masters who work behind the scenes getting their Puppets elected into all levels of our Government. They use the power they have to attack any that oppose them & don’t hesitate to use their Puppets to go after anyone who exposes them for the whole world to see. Just ask the Senator who likes to “Telling_It_Like_It_Is” how they used her to come after us. Using her power in Juneau to target us.

Show your Support & Help Us Fight against the Weaponization of Our Government to go after Political Opponents they don’t like & Media Companies like us at Politadick they want to have silenced. They are systematically targeting us all & trying to shut us down. It is time for Alaskans to Unite together & change that outcome. Help keep News Media Companies like mine fighting for All Alaskans. Unfiltered, Uncut & with No Puppet Masters Pulling Our Strings telling us what we Can & Cannot Do.

Go to Politadick.com/Support & Help Us to continue exposing what MSM, Our Government & the Ones Who Control them don’t want you to see. Cancel Culture is working hard to shut us down.

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