THCA Cookies & Cream Review (JK Distro) 23.713% THCA + .09% THCVa

11 months ago
1.46K Check out JK Distro, and TRUEREVIEW saves you 20% Check out Planet of the Vapes to get the ONE on sale The Weed Box, TRUEREVIEW saves you 10%
SPOILER ALERT, this is the best THCA flower that I've ever had from JK Distro. Something has clearly been improved over there. This sweet smelling cookies and cream comes in at 23.713% THCA, .805% CBGa, .312% CBCa, .096% CBG, and a unique new one that I haven't seen too much before, .09% THCVa. The new V is why i picked this strain, but the high THCA didn't hurt either. Let's get some of this flower in a clean glass chillum and a dry herb vape, to see what it's all about.
(Thank you to the subscriber, who's donation and request made this video happen. You know who you are, and I hope Life has already repaid your generosity.)

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