Restoration of Souls Returning to Innocence. Unravelling the programmes of our Minds

10 months ago


“It” got personal, 20 years ago when it swallowed-up my children, took them away into space which pretended it was churchly, but which actually did its level best to separate my children from me, their Source connection and their innate, exquisite creativity.

Know what I did?

I launched into making that WRONG a RIGHT: I devoted my entire energy to developing work for children which would bring them proper harmonious contact with their Inner Being, ensuring them access, trust, confidence and love with their CREATIVE SOURCE- God.

It has got personal again.

I KNOW all about the darkness waging its rage against humanity- I have studied and written about healing its ways for decades. But now I am ACTING upon it with all the deliberate tools in my Full Human potential!

And YOU here, reading this, are a part of this!

INSPIRITION: the name I received for my band= to enliven and encourage. Well, that beautiful name is what I shall be doing with you:

sign up below. there is no cost ( of course you can donate to me if you like)

I will be training you ,reminding, inspiring and encouraging you, HOW you can use your CONSCIOUSNESS, your IMAGINATION, your heart, soul and mind, to AFFECT CHAGE in the spiritual realms.
Those are all the realms we cannot touch with our fingertips and pronounce to be ‘real”. They ARE very real.

Change that ENERGY-STUFF, and you trigger WHOLE AVALANCHES of change.

1.17 What I want to share with you: the full filament of your presence, using this to create.
2.30 Perfect to do spiritual work in this state
3.00 A little “Getting Ready Now” song to warm you up
3.30 Structures of Thought in Our World -the topic.
4.30 few wonderful places exist where full expressions possible in education settings
5 Still held in structures. What kinds of structures are governing us currently
5.30 “their architecture of control is still carried in the memories and neural networks of most
6 The perpetuity of the lies system of control is being clung to, however there is no longer any power behind them
6.30 We have “woke’ in our mental programmes using our human goodness against us
7.00 ‘Overt tolerance’ explanation of this example of this in my own childhood through Islam
10.20 When you attend an educative establishment you belong in their club.
11 in these institution are expectations of how you should be- explaining direct experience here too
12.00 I was in a different paradigm all my life to the mainstream, which is not a paradigm of God.
12.26 the mainstream has been manipulated into that which is not God- into materialism and away form elemental values of nature values
13.30 Woke programme indoctrinating us into the system further form our hearts- the natural soul fulfilment of the human being and the natural world, animated by our Creator
14.00 And everyone thought it was so COOL
15 This system has formed network in their minds, detaching them form the natural networks.
15.30 I had to de-install my own woke programmes
16 My task was to help establish true FREEDOM on this planet
16.30 all of my friendship and resonance set will experience ehe direct result of my work here
17 How on earth can we unpick these conditioned neurones in the population belief systems noting to do with their true soul.
17.45 Noah’s Flood is not the kind of clean up i have in mind.
18 what is it when you take human soul and clear it out: i show you
18.30 How you can see an auric field
19.20 Describing the energy body
20 “I command my spirit to remove from me anything which is not authentically me”- explaining how to use this to clear yourself
21.50 You decide where you want the non-authentic substance to go to…
22.22 You can literally scan for anything which is still partially expelled ( think scab ;) )
24.30 I command Prime Creator to Give me All of Me Now- and how to use this
25 Each time you do this, you allow yourself to feel more
25.30 We need all that power because we need to make change: imagination and creativity, our SOUL TOOLS and our voice to express this. Portals tot he existence fo Spirit: Infinite Consciousness
25 Every piece of you are your instruments to use
27 Because I am ( and you are) a mouthpiece of Godsource, we can command change in any scale
28 My intention: “I command that eery human sol is returned to the soul on the planet a swiping clean. That waver single human soul receives its own purity and innocence in a moment of glory and beauty, i require this to happen.”
29 “My mouth speaks truth which brings things into being the children of this world are no longer to be defiled. All of the children - I require your cleansing of every person. Your love going through every human heart and body, restoring their natural templet allowing their full essence to take root and flower with in the bodies. -Pushes out all that is not, all the inauthentic, anything held onto, we allow that to leave and escape and the humans return and regrow the pure innocent essence of who they are. -Such love in the hearts of the humans.
I command it, i demand it, I require it, I am witness to it. The Love in the human hearts is restored and open and the beautiful power of spirit cleanses each human being into love again. Into love and innocence, joy, peace. We see this new age appearing now in this moment. And so it is.”
32.30 Anyone who still harbours harm or who is hesitant tot this cleansing, they will disappear.
35.20 “There is God In Heaven” - and some still moments as this ‘runs’ through me.
( I have left it in so that you can see/feel the energy moving)
37 “Godfidence”
37.30 remembering the Adam and Eve story of the essence of innocence- that’s all of us!
Imagine speaking to a perfect stranger and know you are speaking to an instrument of God, “How is the God in you?” This beautiful state is our inheritance.
38.45 Dare to take your world this way, every day. We are Part of Creator “Apart” or “ A Part”? Just the the Love of God in your heart- re-member.
39.45 every time you move through the world you activate each person’s individuality.
40 clones are something else- do not seek that. That is another system.
40.21 We are these extraordinary individuals and that is what makes this life so rich. DOn’t let the 0 and the 1 use you…
41 I hope you could witness this- seeing it at work- being true to yourself.
41.30 and you are going to create so much- so different for what I create. that’s joy. We need each other through these moments of difference and find our way back to the Source.
Nothing that tis thrown at you from the outside can change you when you know it, and when you know it , you can change that which IS outside and thats the way it works…
42.3o describing how the energy is feeling in my body.
43.32 Thank you for watching in to this other dimension.
44.20 By all means, be dynamic! Invite as much energy in as you can into our little bodies, and play with it.
44.30 One more request- that the slate is cleared, that I may now unite with my beloved and return to him. That I am utterly protected, as is he, and that we receive full proof of this within the next seven days.”

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