'Question & Answer' Rightly Dividing King James Bible Study-NOW THE END BEGINS.COM-JULY 19 2023

1 year ago

Tonight on the 'Rightly Dividing' King James Bible Study Program, we take your questions live on-air, and look at some great doctrines of the scriptures. For example, did you know that the foundational pillar of Calvinism, the doctrine of Limited Atonement, can be quickly and easily dismantled if you know where the verses are? In fact, there isn't a single cult or scripture-twisting denomination that can get away with their foolishness when they come up against a Bible believer who knows where the verses are and how to rightly divide them. Welcome to King James Bible Bootcamp! On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we take your questions about any question you might have on any section of the Old or New Testaments. Tonight we review a number of key dispensational differences that separate the Bible believer from crowd regarding the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church, the Bride of Christ, New Jerusalem and about a dozen more. Also, we will cover the 'lost books' of the Bible that the Bible talks about. It's always exciting here on the front lines of the end times if you have a King James Bible.

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