Cozumel 2023 Dive 1 San Francisco Reef

9 months ago

Welcome to my video on the San Francisco Reef off the Island of Cozumel! In this video, I’ll take you on a journey through the warm and crystal-clear waters of this beautiful reef. You’ll see an abundance of marine life including Queen Angel fish, White Spotted Filefish, Honeycomb Cowfish and Ocean Triggerfish. Although only parts of the video are sped up, I slowed down at areas that I thought would be of more interest to someone. Unfortunately, due to something I did like possibly accidentally hitting the button stopping the recording at just over 20 Minutes, only the first part of the dive was recorded.

The San Francisco Reef is located on the southern end of San Francisco Beach, on the South Western area of Cozumel. It is a wall dive that generally has a medium current, which encourages healthy reef and sponge growth. The wall edge starts at about 50’ and is really a steep slope, but not a drop-off, to the depths. You can go as deep as you want. There are healthy barrel sponges and low profile coral. On the top edge of the wall towards shore are sandy bottom areas and a few small overhangs to hide out from the current. For this dive, we stayed on the top section of the wall hitting 70 to 80 ft.

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