Why are crypto stocks outperforming bitcoin?

11 months ago

Why are crypto stocks outperforming bitcoin?
While bitcoin has rallied about 80% this year, that pales in comparison to Coinbase, up 190%, MicroStrategy, up 210%, and Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, up 140%.
We are still below record highs for all these assets.
So why did all of these have such larger rallies than bitcoin? Well, for one, they are more volatile. Another reason, they were potentially more oversold than bitcoin was. However, I will argue that largest reason is institutional and retail investor adoption.
A lot of people are not very savy with technology. With Coinbase, Microstrategy, and Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, you can just log onto your brokerage account and purchase them. It’s that easy. With a cold wallet, you have to worry about a physical device, and its seed phrase. Is the seed phrase safe? Where is your seed phase? With the three stocks I mentioned, they can just sit in your brokerage account online?
If you are wondering how much your stocks are worth, you can just log onto your account and check it out? Want to add to your position, or sell some shares for cash? It’s a piece of cake. You can do it from the bathroom, or on your jog.
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