Arizona Argonauts by H. Bedford-Jones - Audiobook

1 year ago

Arizona Argonauts by H. Bedford-Jones.
Read in English by John.
Imagine it's early 1900's and you want to get away from it all. So you head to Two Palms, Arizona. Where for entertainment, people await the arrival of the daily stage coach. Gold mining is an avocation. There is desert everywhere, deadly rattlers, no paved roads, some people travel in model T's which they call flivvers. They must carry their own water, gasoline and tire patch kits for the many blowouts they encounter. The heat is blinding! The nearest "big" town is Meteorite which has an ice cream shop, a post office and a stage coach head office. Here's where it gets interesting! Three misfits, a disgraced surgeon, an ex bank robber and a former prominent businessman type all meet on the road to nowhere to team up and head to Two Palms to turn their lives around. Already there is a wealthy San Francisco businessman and his beautiful daughter the apple of everyone's eyes. Arizona Argonauts would make a great movie! There's intrigue, murder, mayhem, mystery and of course romance. Try it - you'll like it!

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