A Conversation with Spirit Releasers who get rid of Schizophrenic's voices

1 year ago

There is a growing group of people who specialize in the releasing of negative, parasitic spirits (the voices schizophrenic's hear). This flies in the face of psychiatry's edict that the voices are mere hallucinations. After several decades of study, Jerry Marzinsky, a front line psychotherapist, found that these voices run clear, repeatable and predictable patterns and were not at all random as are hallucinations. If they run patterns, they cannot be hallucinations. It was also discovered that if these voices could be gotten rid of by any means all symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia vanished with them. This finding reveals the true cause of paranoid schizophrenia and is a clear indication that psychiatry and big pharma are way off base. The expensive and often toxic psychiatric meds they are dishing out cure absolutely nothing. The voices are energetic entities and trying to get rid of them with physical drugs is akin to pouring Thorazine onto a magnetic field and expecting it to disappear. You can't treat an energetic malady with physical drugs and expect it to disappear. This explains why the vast majority of schizophrenics continue to hear voices even after taking these expensive drugs which cure absolutely nothing. (Visit Jerry Marzinsky's website at: jerrymarzinsky.com for more information.)

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