Homesteading, Prepsteading & Bartering

1 year ago

I'll be on with Grumpy Acres Farm in tonight's show to discuss the prepper/homesteader spectrum and how we all fit into it. While some have no desire or ability to become a homesteader, the longer you prepare, the closer you get to the Homesteading or Prepsteading end of the spectrum. It all depends on how far you want or can take it.

We'll also discuss how bartering & trading are affected by where we are on the prepping spectrum and how much effort we've put into building a community and support structure.

When it comes to bartering, we think about Bic lighters and batteries. While this may be necessary in a full-blown SHTF situation, having goods and skills to trade with the neighbors will be helpful in many different crises.

It will be much safer to barter & exchange goods with someone you know and trust, like a friend or neighbor, than a stranger.

It is important to consider the impact & benefits of having a solid network of like-minded individuals to rely on during uncertain times, and increase our ability to weather various potential crises.

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