Mocking 'J' Refrains

1 year ago

[Transitional Times Poem Collection] -
Sometimes it’s easy to overlook the pain that we have experienced or helped create. This poem alludes to recent global experiences … as a gentle reminder … in the aspiration that we will not repeat such behaviours or attempts by ‘questionable forces’ to create such divisions again.

For more from my ‘Transitional Times’ Poem Collection see YouTube “Poetry From Me @ Louiseiology”

Poem Wording: below.

For creations from all Poem Collections, see Rumble “Louiseiology & Poetry”

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Poem Wording:-

Mocking 'J' Refrains

As yes. I remember it well …
The constant refrains,
frying hearts and brains!
It was use as a tool –
A ‘death to freedom knell’.

Do you remember it too?!
I remember ….
There was a right ‘to do’!

“You’re not”?
“What do you mean”?
“You’re not invited so … can’t be seen”!
“A danger to society” …
They were … the great new unclean?!

What was the story for you?
And how did you lean?

Were you excluded; denied access to family,
Old friends, your job, travel, days out and meals?

Or did you too, these ideas condone?
To sit on the side-lines, either disillusioned
or even perhaps supercilious and pleased?!

If so – time to go on and atone.
We all remember it well!!

Were you one of the ‘pushers’
Or just a sleepy so called ‘sheepy’.
Living by rote and yet happy to gloat?
Instead of a vibrant and self-empowered,
Sovereign like, mountain goat?!!

Unless …. Maybe yes ….
Did you have some grain
of compassion and reason?
If no, time to go and confess –
it’s now “At-one-ment” season!!

20th March 2023
Transitional Times Poem Collection

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