Newborn baby turtle has an itch

7 years ago

Pickles shows us what the cutest itch of all time looks like as he scratches his head. Perhaps he was
thinking, "What is life? Where am I? Who are you?!"

Precious baby turtle named Pickles gives us the cutest itch of all time as it scratches its head. This
is basically a visual antidepressant that is guaranteed to brighten your day!

Cute little baby animals are a true mood booster! This tiny little turtle is no exception. Resting
quietly in owner's palm, it suddenly gets an itch on the head, and it's beyond adorable! Who would
have thought turtles could have the urge to scratch at the most unbelievable body parts?

This little buddy obviously feels the ease after a good scratch, and we can all relate with that. We
feel you, sweetie!

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