Surviving Addiction: Navigating Life with an Addicted child

11 months ago

In this video, we delve into the challenging journey of parenting an addicted child and offer valuable guidance to help you navigate life amidst addiction. Addiction Recovery Specialist (and mother of two sons in recovery) Campbell Manning is here to share vital insights and strategies to help parents cope and provide support.

Our video "Surviving Addiction: A Parent's Guide to Navigating Life" touches on various aspects of dealing with addiction in the family dynamic. We shed light on the emotional toll it takes, while offering practical advice on communication, setting boundaries, and seeking professional help.

Campbell addresses the complexities that arise when a child becomes addicted. She understands the feelings of confusion, guilt, and helplessness that parents experience, because she's been there herself!
Our aim is to provide solace, hope, and actionable steps to help you move forward.

Join us as we explore the impacts addiction can have on family relationships and provide strategies to maintain healthy connections. From self-care tips to finding the right support networks, our video is a comprehensive resource for parents who are currently going through this challenging journey.

We recognize that every family's situation is unique. Therefore, we encourage you to use the comments section to ask questions or share your own experiences. Our community is here to offer advice, encouragement, and a listening ear. Together, we can empower one another and stand strong against addiction.

For additional help, we also have a FREE FB group for families:

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more insightful videos on navigating life with an addicted child. By doing so, you'll never miss out on our future uploads, which aim to equip you with the tools and knowledge to overcome the hurdles of addiction.

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📅Make an appointment with Campbell to talk about your situation:

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