Sanctions and asset confiscation / Prank with Alexandre de Rothschild Part 2

1 year ago

"Sanctions pressure on Russia should be increased"

In general, speaking about the sanctions policy of the West Alexandre Rothschild said that the pressure should be intensified:

"I think this is the only way to put a lot of pressure and, hopefully, drive a wedge between Putin and a number of influential people in Russia who want to come over to your side. I believe that the pressure should continue and possibly increase because it is very disturbing that over time, while this conflict lasts, people forget a little about the areas in which sanctions have been imposed. And I think a very coordinated effort by the West is needed to continue to exert as much pressure as possible. But again, for us as Rothschilds, as an organization, as a bank, there were no risks for us in connection with Russia: we had practically no Russian clients in our banking and asset management division for wealthy individuals. We had several such clients, but a very, very limited number who could have, for example, dual citizenship. I remember a woman who lived in London. Her father is a Russian citizen, so she also has a Russian passport. She has never been to Russia in her entire life. But we had to apply sanctions against her on general grounds."

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