Dog Tracks and Tries to Catch Fish

11 months ago

This short clip shows my dog, a Golden Retriever named Buddy, tracking and trying to catch a fish in a stream. Buddy is a very good sniffer, and he can often smell fish even when they are underwater. In this clip, he can be seen following the scent of a fish upstream, and he even gets close enough to try to bite it. However, the fish is too quick for him, and it eventually escapes.
This clip was taken on July 17, 2023 . We were hiking in a local park when Buddy saw the fish. He was so excited to try to catch it, and he ran after it as fast as he could. Unfortunately, the fish was too quick for him, but it was still a lot of fun to watch Buddy try to catch it.

I hope you enjoy this clip!
Keywords: dog, fish, tracking, trying to catch, Golden Retriever, stream, hiking, fun

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