Be careful! The CCP is trying to control your cognition via its “Neurostrike Program”

11 months ago

7/12/2023 Be careful! The CCP is trying to control your cognition! The Washington Times reported the content of CCP's “Neurostrike Program,” which seeks to impair and alter the brain functions of opponent armies and their government leaders and civilians to achieve victory without firing a shot by using microwaves or firing electromagnetic beams, etc. Xiao Tianliang, president of the CCP’s National Defense University, explained this in his book "Military Strategies" back in 2015.
#CCP #PLA #NeurostrikeProgram #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang #GuoHasTheGoods
7/12/2023 小心中共控制你的思维!华盛顿时报爆出中共的神经打击计划的内容!此邪恶计划是透过微波或发射电磁射线等方式来侵扰、控制敌军政府高层或是人民的脑部,以达到兵不血刃的目的。中共国防大学校长肖天亮早在2015年的著作《军事战略学》中就对此有所阐述。
#中共 #解放军 #神经打击计划 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平 #郭文贵先生有证据

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